What We Don't Do Directly ...
But Can Add Great Value

Why choose Us?

Capital Planning and Fund Raising

In our previous business model, Treetop would be granted a board seat when we invested directly into new portfolio companies. Being either on the board or a member of the management team allowed us to share the opportunity with a set of accredited investors who had opted-in to receive notification of these opportunities. We are no longer doing this (see About Us). We are not broker/dealers, nor do we want to be. By law, we are not able to assist firms in raising capital and specifically not allowed to receive fees for that assistance. However, there is a lot of prep work to be done so that you and your firm put your best foot forward when talking to the professionals that do this work. We can help you understand the ‘ask’, understand the terms that the professionals will want and negotiate the best terms for you.

Why choose Us?

Investment Banking

It is obvious why someone would need to engage an investment banker – to get the deal completed. But, few entrepreneurs know what to expect after contracting with an investment bank as it relates to the bank’s success fees, their retainer, their background in your specific industry, and other challenges that have caused us to grow many gray hairs. We can use this experience to help you engage the right set of professionals and keep them appropriately engaged throughout your company’s fundraise and growth.

Why choose Us?

Mergers and Acquisitions

Whether acquiring or selling a business asset, success requires many small steps, for which we can be excellent advisors. There are myriad legal and accounting issues where you will need the experts, but having sage counsel will provide you and your team peace of mind. Much of the science of buying and selling is better described as art. We can help.

Want to find out more? Contact us